If you want your message to be heard, you need Meperl.
Merrill Perlman Consulting offers customized training, consulting, coaching and editing services to individuals, media organizations, corporations and educational institutions. With more than 40 years of experience in communications, journalism, education and training at the highest levels, Meperl can help you and your employees become more productive and effective, regardless of the media in which you communicate.
Engaging, invigorating, educational and effective presentations customized to your content and needs, in person or online.
Editorial workflow, hiring or recruiting, stylebook creation.
Making writers or editors their best with supportive coaching and mentoring.
Careful, collaborative attention to your content, including tone, development, impact, grammar and style.
Whether it’s a refresher in grammar, training in writing more effective headlines, learning to make a message or article clearer and more concise, or unraveling the mysteries of search engine optimization, Meperl can take your material and use it to show your employees how to get to the next level.

Meperl also can examine your communications workflow and help you tweak it, or help you create a new or better flow.
If you’re looking to become a better and more effective writer, Meperl offers individual coaching on structure, organization, expression and tone, as well as the language gremlins that plague you.
Meperl is also a broad-based editing service, with extensive experience in nonfiction, journalism, marketing, corporate communications and nonprofits. If it has to do with words, Meperl is your best resource.
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